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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/14/2013
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting March 14, 2013
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office
Prepared by Frank Harrison

Members Present:  Robert Mann,   Zack Boyajian, Frank Harrison, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall

Members Absent: Jeff Jordan, Steve Stock, Blaze Konefal

Guest: MaryAnn Hromis

Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:00 pm
Minutes of the lovely meeting on 2/14/2013 approved.

Saving Special Places (April 6, 2013) Conservation Conference at John Stark Regional High School
Where?  Weare, NH
Registration deadline: April 4th (4 pm)  Cost: $60 ($75 after March 29, 2013)


a.      Public Outreach: We will utilize the new Carpenter Park path as a convenient focus location for Public Outreach, starting this spring.  The Heritage Commission is planning to plant flower bulbs along the trail.
b.      Land Conservation: No action at this time.  We await a response from Fred Shaw regarding his property on Main Street (Map 4, Lot 2)
c.      Spaulding Town Forest:  The team is intent on blazing the Spaulding Lot boundary based on Charlie Moreno’s boundary markings.  Blaze and Steve will take charge of this action.  We will send the $1500 (authorized via public hearing) to the Town Forester.  His bill came in for $2477.50 dated 2/19/13.  We will pay the balance of this bill with proceeds from the intended logging harvest.  Charlie will re-bid the logging work this spring for summer or fall work.
d.      Carpenter Park Planning: New work day is planned for April 13, 2013 (8 am to 12 noon)
Register at . The plan is to remove Japanese barberry from the trails environment and also identify the best trees for identification.  Zack is working with Ansel Sanborn to clarify the volunteer contribution to maximize matching funds.
e.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Gordon and Frank will continue the decimation of phragmites at Marsh Pond.  Gordon is also investigating the possibility of select cutting and gentle logging of the area by a local owner of draft horses.
f.      Easement Stewardship:  Blaze will propose dates for visiting our town easements this spring before the foliage becomes too dense.
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, April 11, 2013 at 7 pm

Robert Mann, Chairman